Monday, May 15, 2017

On TBR books that intimidate me #3

Well, I thought my TBR pile was problematic before, but now it’s really out of control. Since I last wrote about scary TBR books, my Goodreads TBR list grew by at least 65 books, while I still have an alarmingly full TBR shelf next to my bed and a full Kindle of egalleys to read before I can even start on either of those. (sigh) The reading life is tough sometimes. Especially when you’re as scared of your TBR as I am.

  • Away with Words: An Irreverent Tour Through the World of Pun Competitions by Joseph Berkowitz - I’m so excited for this book that it almost hurts (publication date: June 13th, 2017). And that’s terrifying. It can’t possibly be as punderful as I’m hoping it will be, can it?! I’m worried that I’ll read this and die of either a) disappointment or b) complete and utter happiness or c) getting punned to death. Whichever way things go, it won’t end well.
  • The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan - I’ve heard such excellent things about Robert Jordan. And I’ve also heard that some of his books are soooooo long and sooooo drawn out and I can’t handle books like that. Everyone says that it’s ultimately worth it and that they’re glad they worked through those difficult books, but I don’t think I have it in me. So why even start? I can’t handle not finishing a series. It’s too scary.
  • Borderland by Terri Windling - My first adventure in urban fantasy was not fantastic, but I’m willing to try again….maybe. I’m nervous I’ll hate this and a whole genre will be ruined for me because of two books. I’m also nervous that I’ll absolutely love it and I’ll never read anything else. So I’m putting it off until I can test the waters with another urban fantasy…..or maybe I’ll just put it off forever.

Are you scared of any of your TBR’s? Or is it just me? Are there any books you TBR’d forever and now regret reading? Or wish you’d read earlier?


  1. omg I am so scared of my TBR! I have over 20 physical books to read, and well let's not talk about my Kindle and iBooks. haha. I have over 900 books on my to read shelf on goodreads. *sighs* I need to do something -_-
    Prabhleen @ Booksarelife987

    1. OHMYGOODNESS 900 books is a lot. And there's never enough time to read all of them or to hunt them all down and the public library never has all your TBR books and you can't afford to buy them all....TBRs are terrifying.

  2. Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series is definitely intimidating, like you said, but it's worth it. In my opinion, there really was only one book that dragged on, and the rest kept me captivated. I think you'll enjoy them if you ever get around to it!

  3. Gah I'll have to toughen up and get around to it soon...
