Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 24-hour Readathon!

GUYS! I just signed up for my first Readathon and I couldn't be more excited.

Every April and October, you can participate in Dewey's 24 hour readathon. Basically, you read ALL DAY, take breaks to tweet and blog, and eat lots of treats. It's a great opportunity to interact with the blogging community and to catch up on your TBR. This year, the readathon takes place on April 28th (mark your calendars!). And stay tuned on here for reading updates on the 28th (or check my Twitter for a live feed of my reading!)

As I was wondering how to prep, I came upon this Ich Lese Blog post about how to prepare for the readathon. She suggests going through your TBR and getting a diverse set of books so you can jump around to different things as you get bored or tired. She also suggests stocking up on treats, which I highly recommend. In light of this wonderful advice, here are a few books (and snacks) that I'll be getting for the April 28th readathon (if I don't get around to them before that...).

Stoner  Ship of Destiny (Liveship Traders, #3)  Saga, Vol. 4 (Saga, #4)  Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)  Eligible (The Austen Project, #4)  Diary of a Beatlemaniac: A Fab Insider's Look at the Beatles Era

And now the snacks...

Image result for mountain dew  Image result for gardettos  Image result for fruit rollups

Image result for peppers bell  Image result for hummus

How do you prep for a readathon? What books are you planning on reading for the upcoming readathon? What snacks are you going to get? How many readathons have you participated in?


  1. Replies
    1. I'm excited to give it a try! I've heard such good things about it.
