Monday, April 30, 2018

State of the ARC #2

Today, we're continuing State of the ARC - where I talk about how behind I am on my ARCs and make excuses for why I'm not through them yet. State of the ARC is run by Avalinah's Books. Read the official rules HERE.

I skipped last month (partly because I forgot, and partly because I hadn't really made any progress anyway), so I'll combine my progress. When March began, my pile looked like this:

During the months of March and April, I actually got quite a few books read! It was refreshing to be catching up on my ARCs. But there was one problem - I requested a few books as I finished one book, thinking that I'd be approved for one of the many I requested. I ended up being approved for now I have a bunch more books that are coming due. However, I got a lot done, so maybe it evens out? 


The Sisters Mederos   Wolf's Revenge (Leo Maxwell #5)   A Guy Like Me: The John Scott Story  
Long Players: A Love Story in Eighteen Songs  Seven Suspects

I'm unreasonably proud of myself for getting these books done - five books in two months isn't a huge amount, but it's showing me that my pile of ARCs can be dealt with! I was also worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the new ARCs that I've ordered, but my total number of ARCs has gone down over the past two months, so I'm really happy with myself. While I still have a decent amount to get to, it's a number I can handle over the next several months. Below is my chart for where I stand now that April is over:

I now have 23 total books to finish (until I order more...) and I feel like getting under the 25 book mark is a pretty big deal and I'm fairly content with myself and my progress. More books are done! And more will get done next month!

What progress have you made on your pile of ARCs this month? What was the best ARC you read? The worst? What do you plan to do once you have your pile under control?


  1. I definitely need to get on track with my ARCs. It's a vicious circle though because there are always such a lot of new and exciting books coming out that I simply want them.
    Lynn :D

    1. I understand completely. I'll have a few months where I'm okay and don't request anything new....and then I'll request everything in sight for a few weeks. It's awful and I need to stop.

  2. That always happens too me! I request a lot of books and I am ABSOLUTELY sure I would not get approved, and then I do and I have even more books to read! Ha ha! But we can do this!

    1. Right?! As much as I want to get approved, it's daunting when I'm approved for ALL THE BOOKS.

  3. Good job on getting under 25! and I love your graphs :D

    1. Thanks! It really helps to visualize what's going on!:)

  4. Hi! Took me a while to find your post, cause it seems you put a different post's link in the linkup :D I'm sorry I'm so late in visiting, I guess maybe a pingback didn't come trough (they don't always), and I'm so behind on my comment replies :)

    I'm so glad it's going good with the ARCs. Of course you can deal with them! Congrats. Keep kicking the pile and you'll have consistent results :)

    1. Sorry for making it difficult for you to find, but I'm glad you're here:)

  5. grats on getting through some, man we really gottta learn to restrain ourselves ahha

    1. No kidding....after writing this, I requested a few more ARCs on Netgalley and now I'm really regretting it. Excited for the books, but I already have so much to do...
