Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Do-over: On TBR Books that Intimidate Me #1

This is the beginning of The Bibliotaph's first blog meme and link-up: Do-over. To participate, go through your blog posts from the past years (post must be at least a year old) and do the post over - either update it to fit your current perspectives or add new material to make it more application currently. Our next Do-over linkup will be on May 15th.

You can read the original blog post here.

The TBR Books that Intimidate Me was a recurring post that I ran for the first several months of blogging. After awhile, it became apparent that I would eventually run out of books on my TBR and that I wasn't as terrified by these books and I'd originally though I was, so I stopped posting about it. Also, the format of my original post was terrible - there were no pictures (not even of book covers) and all the text was blocked together in a very dull way. I've come a long way since then. Right now, I'd like to revisit the books I first posted about and see if I've read them, or if they still intimidate me (and I'll even include pictures this time).

Cold Sassy Tree

  • Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns - I still haven't read this! My mum recommended it years ago and I've never been able to bring myself to read it. What if I hate my mum's favorite book? Also, the subject matter honestly doesn't interest me enough to hunt it down and get through it. I'm sure I'll love it once I start it, but it isn't high on my priority list.

Treasure Island!!!
  • Treasure Island!!!! by Sara Levine - I actually have read this book now and I LOVED IT. It was beautiful and marvelous and such a unique story. So glad I overcame my initial trepidation!

A Short History of Nearly Everything
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson - Honestly, my interest in this book has waned and I took it off my TBR a few weeks ago. It no longer seems interesting enough to keep on a constantly-growing list and I feel like I'll remember it enough to pick it up when I have a chance (or time) to read it. In the meantime, I don't feel like I'm missing out on much.

What blog posts would you do-over if you had the chance? Which books on your TBR are freaking you out right now?

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